Monday, March 12, 2012

Protection for your construction documentation.

Security of construction documentation is become more and more important in construction industry today. This situation is due to the increase in usage of computer aided technology in this construction industry. As all of us already know, by doing works with the computer aided technology, we are all expose to the attack of various kind of virus. The attack often cost us our important documentation which eventually affecting our productivity, document accuracy, time or even money.

Today as the trend of preparing and keeping the documentation migrate from handwritten and old typewriter to computer which is digital affecting across any industry, it had expose our construction and make it vulnerable to the virus and spy attack. If we are not properly prepared, it can resulting into heavy financial losses.

How to address this virus and spyware attack?. The answer is have you Anti-Virus software and Anti-spyware installed on your computer. There is lots of anti-virus and anti-spyware out there to be chosen. It ranging from free version, trial version and pay version. what is the different between all of this version.

Free Version:
The version that you do not have to pay.Can be download from the internet for free. Always come with limitation such as can only scan but never be able to remove the virus and many other limitation.

Trial version:
Anti-virus version or Anti-spyware version that can be download for free. You can have all the function running in a proper way. However time will always be the essence of this trial version. Usually it functionality will reduce one it reach it time limit.
This is the best version. provide you with all function of the particular anti-virus or anti-spyware. It will work all days long. usually the license will expire after a year and need to be renewed. For this version it need some investment. we need to purchase the license product.