Sunday, April 18, 2010


In Construction industries accurate information is a vital sign to ensure only the best quality of the construction being delivered with-in the contract period. However it is due to human nature there will be some missing information that will hamper the contractor / consultant effort in delivering the best end product. So what contractor or consultant will do if this even takes place? Under a legal contract that involving construction activities, there should be no verbal instruction or information that can be taken as official. Therefore any verbal information or instruction must be follow-up with official letter or of it kind for final confirmation. This is to prevent any arguments in the future. One of the way out is by submitting the "Request for Information" (RFI) Form. Bellow is the sample of the RFI form.


Project Title :
Contract No.: 
Client : Consultant : Contractor : 

Signature:…………………….……… Request date :…………………...
From :…………………..……………..
Designation :…………………………..

To :……………………………………
Attention :…………………………….
Information requested by:
*Client / Consultant / client. (*strike whichever not applicable)
Reply by .:
*Client / Consultant / client. (*strike whichever not applicable)

Reply by :
Name :……………………………
Date :……………………………..
Copy to :

  1. ……………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………..

 Related topic:
RFI (request for inspection) Sample
Request for inspection form 2012
Request for inspection

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Construction management

Managing the construction site.
Good practice of the construction management of the construction site is always the key to a successful construction project. To have a proper construction management of the site, it always falls back to the basic, that is the CHECKLIST. Among the item that need continuous monitoring and tracking are as bellow.
  1. Machineries
  2. Plant
  3. Equipment
  4. Labour or manpower
  5. Health and safety aspect such as Personal protective Equipment (PPE)
  6. Procurement of the material, machinery, man power, plant
  7. Quality assurance & Quality control checklist for every aspect of work.
  8. Method statement Checklist
  9. Approval of material Checklist.
The key to the checklist are totally depending on the master work programme and also detail work programme. This will always accompanied by a good recording and filing system.
Some of the common checklist form is as follows.
Contract No :
Project Title : Construction of 3 unit of 4 storey Residential Apartment.
Checklist of Machinery/Plant/Equipment/Manpower.
item Type of machinery Locations where machine will be deploy.Machine capacity QTY  Date Start Duration 
excavator External drainage  0.5 cu.m 21.04.2006 14 days 
Dump truck External drainage 3 tons 21.04.2006 14 days